XIRCUS | The First Multi-chain Gamified DAO NFT Marketplace Creation Platform


About Xircus

Xircus is the world’s first multi-chain gamified DAO platform that allows users to create and deploy custom NFT marketplaces. In a few easy steps, Xircus users can create and launch a personalised NFT trading platform absolutely free of cost. A powerful, unique, and automated tool that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and brands by allowing them to create a personalised NFT marketplace, Xircus is a pan-dimensional gateway to the world of non-fungible digital assets. Our decentralized software as a service (DSaaS) model makes the platform accessible to all. It is the easy, secure, time-efficient, and cost-less way to develop a personal market for your NFTs.


A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is perhaps the most potent use case of blockchain technology. NFTs are unique because they offer the unbreachable leak-proof security layer to confirm the originality of digital assets they represent. Though the market for NFTs is nascent, the demand has been growing exponentially. Top NFT marketplaces have witnessed billions in trade. As the market grows so does the competition. Traditional or first-generation NFT marketplaces are a facilitator and not a full-proof solution. The idea behind Xircus has been to create an ultimate solution that empowers individual artists, influencers and collectors, by giving them the control that comes with the power to create their own NFT marketplaces.

The Philosophy

Decentralization has been a recurrent theme in blockchain’s journey so far. The promise to take the power from centralized institutions and give it back to the people is the single most influential proposition that drives the entire value system of the decentralized digital currencies. NFTs are a promising product in line. Traditional NFT marketplaces that provide access to this new class of digital assets solve many problems but one — providing the power and control to individuals, content creators, artists, and influencers amongst others. This is where Xircus steps in. It eliminates the role of intermediary platforms by allowing users to easily create custom NFT marketplaces without writing a single code.

Watch How To Deploy NFT Marketplaces Live!

A Ringmaster can be a company or individuals who wants to build and grow their community.
Deploy and launch your first custom marketplace for Non-fungible (NFT) tokens today. It’s easy!
Xircus helps influencers, brands, token creators, dapps or crypto enthusiasts to bring NFTs to mainstream users. It’s a zero-cost decentralized solution to help kickstart your NFT journey in just a few minutes.
  • Deploy your community NFT marketplace in minutes
  • Highly curate NFT collectibles in your marketplace
  • Earn while rewarding community inviters
No development experience needed to deploy your own NFT marketplace where creators and collectors can buy and sell their NFT items

Building and securing tech infrastructure is costly, time-consuming and messy if not done right. Building complex smart contracts can also add up to the cost. We just made it available for you.

Grow your marketplace locally with global reach, we help to cross promote with others marketplaces to introduce cultures and creativity from different countries and regions

Deploy your community NFT marketplace locally and welcome creators and collectors from your community, other NFT marketplaces and from the world

Who is it for?

NFT marketplace dApps in no time

Xircus is a primary platform for all those who are currently losing a significant percentage of their profits to third-party NFT marketplaces. With Xircus they can actively create a custom NFT marketplace and sell non-fungible digital assets directly to their fans and followers. Our conservative estimate suggests Xircus can save NFT creators about $600 million within a year of its launch.
Additionally, by democratizing access to tokenization and NFT trading, the platform will empower all, be it an individual, a brand, an expert, (blockchain)startup or celebrity/influencer.

What makes us special?

Xircus is special, it is the first platform that allows users to create an NFT marketplace that they own and control. Further, the cross-chain compatibility ensures the platform supports all EVM compatible protocols. With the project tested live and marketplaces already deployed, we are ready to roll. The platform is powered by a native utility token which has multiple immediate applications within the Xircus ecosystem. It also features a Defi-powered token economy with rewards. Though initially, we have built on Binance Smart chain because of the low gas fees and fast transacting times, Xircus supports multi-chain deployment to different blockchain protocols like Polkadot, Solana, flow, and any other EVM compatible blockchains.

For more information?

Bitcointalk username: Battam
BEP20 address: 0xF29210135c8c716EcD21c6Bfd03E87637386c86F


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